Memorial Ideas


Memorial Portrait & Candle

Find your favorite photograph and create a framed memorial portrait for the service and for you to take home and treasure once the funeral is complete.

With the same image you can also personalize a large memorial candle to be used during the service and then take home as a keepsake.

Display photos and memorabilia on our memory board easels, in frames, or on well-designed tables and pedestals.

Memorable Music

For many families, music is an important part of life. We offer state-of-the-art sound systems to assist in musical tributes to your loved one. Arrange for soloists, groups, pianists, harpists, or bagpipers to perform a meaningful song.

Environmentally Safe Balloon Tribute Release

After the service, committal service, or private family gathering, release environmentally safe balloons with special notes and messages attached for a special send off. Release butterflies or doves for a nominal fee.

Candle Lighting Ceremony

For a memorable touch, arrange a candle lighting ceremony or candlelight service to end a visitation, funeral, memorial, or meal. For many families, the key to a meaningful service is the special people who participate in it. A balloon release and candle lighting provide wonderful opportunities to include family members and friends.

Floral Pictures & Delivery

We provide a photograph of each floral tribute and the card that accompanies it for a permanent record and to help you organize “thank you” notes. After the services, we deliver the floral arrangements to the home of any local family member, church, nursing home, or other facility you wish.

Share Your Memories…

Create a slideshow video tribute to show on our flat screen televisions during the visitation.

We personalize memorial folders, prayer cards, guest books, bulletins, acknowledgement cards, and bookmarks with pictures or scripture verses. Give guests keepsakes, such as a favorite candy or seeds to a favorite flower. Select special stories, poems, readings, or religious passages to implement into the service.


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